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The order of editing and proofreading:
Started: 17 Jun 2022 08:10 AM - Last Post: jacklinalbert

Posts: 11
The order of editing and proofreading: - posted: 17 Jun 2022 08:10 AM
Article writing is more than just slapping some thoughts down on paper. It also requires proofreading and editing. However, most individuals are confused about whether step—editing or proofreading—should be performed first. Upon completing a piece of writing, the first thing you do is check for and correct any spelling errors.

After childrens book printing that, if you're a skilled content or book writer, you may edit your work using digital editing software. You put in your writing and then check for errors. As the last step, you proofread to check the sentence structure. Editing is a step before proofreading if you will. The fact that editing includes proofreading is a contributing factor.

Posts: 64
Re: The order of editing and proofreading: - posted: 07 Nov 2023 11:37 AM
Vielen Dank für die Klärung dieses Problems. Es hat mir wirklich geholfen zu verstehen, worum es hier geht.

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