song comment for Full Net

While this isn't what I enjoy listening to, and it sounds like much of the power/pop-punk material that's already out there (and I wish the word 'punk' would be graciously disassociated from this kind of music, since there is very little that's punk about it, except for maybe some of the older bands mentioned as influences - but I already felt this way when I first heard Green Day in the early-1990s) - given all this, it still doesn't deserved to be labeled as 'f@#king terrible' as the commenter added. the recording is very produced for something that is called punk (not much DIY ethos here), but the recording and performances are pretty tight. they're probably kids (relatively speaking, that is) and hopefully they'll grow out of this and take on projects that a more suited to their actual abilities. objectively, going off what i hear, the worst i can say is that this tune is almost a carbon copy of just about every other pop-punk band i've come across. that said, the individual members have some talent and could be part of some really decent music. still, at least they do the pop-punk thing well (if there is such a thing as well-made pop-punk - i tend to think not), and have a decent chance of building a good following among folks who like this sort of thing. more power to them. as for the previous commenter, if you're going to do the internet equivalent of scrawling 'you suck' on somebody's wall, you may consider breaking away from your infantile jab, and at least tell them why you don't like it. i don't dig it, but you still have to give credit where credit is due. of course, if i recall correctly, those who display such infantile behavior aren't typically capable moving past their own limitations. so, good luck to all of you, commenter included. - gorgatron 02/27/12

Fucking terrible. Please quit. Don't let it get any more out of hand. - Ver 02/25/12

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