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Tammy Bick

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Tammy Bick
Tammy Bick Bio:

Hey there,
I am a self taught musician who originally started as a vocalist & writer for the band I was in, because we needed a bass player and we were not having any luck finding someone, I decided at the age of 30 to learn how to play, and found that I loved it. The songs that I have uploaded are songs that I have written over the years and one (26 Days) is co-written with a past bandmate, Steve Warner. These recordings are from a past band I was involved with which in now defunct, in which you can hear my Fiance', Erick Schweitzer (guitarman152), who is a very talented guitaist, performing on them.

"Silence" » Rock 5 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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I wrote this song right after I made the decision to change my life for the better and leave an abusive marriage that I kept trying convince myself would hopefully change for the better, but knew in my heart that it wouldn't and I needed to do something about it. The night I wrote this song was the first night I was on my own, which happened to be the night before my 40th birthday, it was the best gift I could give to myself.
One thing it taught me was to be true to yourself and don't be more afraid of changing than settling and just being complacent.

This recording is from a band I was in at the time, and features Erick Schweitzer (guitarman152) on lead guitar with some very powerful riffs and hooks.

Bass & Co-Lead Vocals: Tammy Bick
Guitar: Erick Schweitzer

"Reflections" » Psychedelic Rock 3 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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This song was written in memory of the late, great Jerry Garcia after his passing away in 1995. I was sitting and watching a program about the Dead which went from the past to present, with a friend of mine when I said to her "When it gets to the present it breaks your heart" referring to the program showing all of the news clips and excerpts when Jerry had passed. She immediately said to me that I needed to write a song using that phrase. This expression came to me very easily because of how much Jerry had been part of my life and how deeply he touched my soul.

This recording is done with a past band which is now defunct, but features my fiance', a very talented guitarist and writer, Erick Schweitzer (guitarman152), on guitar and back-up vocals. He was able to capture the power and energy I was trying to express in my lyrics. I also have to give credit and many thanx to our sound engineer Steve Crater, who truly inspired and "worked me" vocally while recording this, who sadly & suddenly passed away a few months after our sessions in the studio.

Bass & Lead Vocals: Tammy Bick
Guitar & Back-up Vocals: Erick Schweitzer
Recorded and Mixed by Steve Crater (in loving memoriam)