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One Less To Go

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One Less To Go
One Less To Go Bio:

One Less To Go is a band that was founded by Yannick (vocals, guitar) and Arnaud (bass, guitar). One Less To Go is a rock band which was inspired by a lot of english speaking band.
The music of the band is characterized by bewitching melody and heavy rock riffs, but also by lyrics that seem to come directly from the throes of the members' lives

One Less To Go est un groupe formé par Yannick (chant et guitare) et Arnaud (basse et guitare), qui a vu le jour en 2010 à Bruxelles, capitale de la Belgique. One Less To Go est un groupe rock par excellence. En affichant clairement ses influences rock anglo-saxonnes, le duo vogue sur la finesse des mélodies ainsi que sur des riffs rock implacables agrémentés de paroles aussi profondes que sincères, sorties tout droit des affres de la vie des deux membres.

"1000 Miles to the moon" » Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
One Less To Go - 1000 Miles to the moon  » play hi-fi
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"living in this" » Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
One Less To Go - living in this  » play hi-fi
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"Demon at the door" » Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
One Less To Go - Demon at the door  » play hi-fi
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