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A FUSION OF MUSICAL INFLUENCES WITH A POSITIVE MESSAGE...MUSIC BASED ON INFLUECES, ON EXPERIENCES AND SITUATIONS "I wanted to create music with an impact. To make a difference and have a positive influence on society and the industry" "It only takes one spark to ignite a flame and by God's will I offer my music to be that spark. ISRAEL'SSUN! As the Sun in the Sky shines and gives light to the world, let God's light shine through me for the world. Peace & Blessings ISRAEL'SSUN

"BUT I SMILE" » Christian HipHop 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
ISRAELSSUN - BUT I SMILE  » play hi-fi
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When your tired and confused about life with no visible road to go forward...when the walls around you become transparent and you have no choice but to face the you place all your troubles in GOD'S hands. It's by HIS GRACE YOU SURVIVE.    

"BREAKING IT DOWN" » Hip Hop 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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Men are often misunderstood when dealing with matters of the heart...BREAKING IT DOWN...breaks down the communication barriers between sexes ."i might not always do the right thing or say the right thing but 98% of the time I mean well. "